Sunday, November 2, 2014


Did you ever wonder what love is? Like true, genuine love, love that is unbiased or love that is not deceitful? If you said yes to any of these questions, you want to check out The Word’s playlist on youtube titled Love Week. (

The Word recorded the week of Valentine’s day in 2014 and they posted five videos, the fifth video was posted on Valentine’s day and was the most successful at the time. Below I will explain the five videos and I encourage you to watch them all!

1. What are you asking when you are in a relationship?

There are two things we all ask when we are in a relationship. We ask if we are significance and we ask if we have security. This all goes back to our relationship of God in the Garden of Eden. Don't believe me? Okay watch this video!

2. Satan's version of Love

The world makes us think that we are in love but the question is, is it true love, or is it Satan's version of love? Lust.. it is a serious problem in our culture yet it is how our culture is ran. We all know that sex sells and everyone is taking advantage from Coca-Cola to Macy’s. Check out this video to see how The Word broke  it down.

3. How do we Love?

There are different ways in how we love, but to understand them completely, we have to take it back to the Greek word(s) for Love! Agápe, éros, and philía are the types of love that this video discusses. One love talks about the “if” kind of love, one love talks about the “because” kind of love, and one love talks about the “spite of” love. Interested to see which is which? Check out this video. 

4. What is Love? (1 Corinthians 13)

What is love, lets see what the Bible has to say. In 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul writes a letter to the Corinthians to explain to them what love actually is and what love is not! Powerful stuff, it has the highest views currently (November 2, 2014.)  Check it out!

5. What inspires your Passion?

What is your passion? What inspires your passion? This spoken word video is very impactful and will allow you to look back at your life and see where your passion really lies, Check it out!

These are five powerful videos that will change what you think love is. The Word is built on three principles: Loving, Doing, and Living. The Word’s goal is to show LOVE to as many people as we can and to spread the good news pertaining Jesus Christ. We operate four campaigns to spread the good news about Christ. Spoken from the Word, Living out the Word, Doers of the Word and Exercising the Word. For more details, check out The Word’s website ( )

1 comment:

  1. WOW. I was not expecting this when I clicked on your blog.
    Prior to watching the videos, I was not familiar with this series of motivational videos by The Word. I think the simplicity of the videos allowed the messages to be in the forefront. Not only were they all well spoken, but they were engaging in a simple kind of way. I appreciate the positive messages be spread in these videos, and I like the consistency in the flow of their messages. I think the last message, What Inspires Your Passion by Jon-at-hand, is my favorite of the bunch. "...spent most of my life telling God hit the high way, because all I wanted to do was live life my way..." I connected to that, as I'm sure a lot of others did too.
    I am going to spread the word and encourage others to view these videos by The Word. Thanks for sharing!
